I’m committed to making a positive impact on the lives of our Allegheny County residents. That’s why my top priorities are ensuring Children’s Healthy Development & Learning through quality early learning programs and maternal health initiatives; driving Economic Development & Small Business Growth by growing our skilled workforce and transforming technology innovations into local jobs; keeping our residents safe with Public Safety improvements, including traffic safety enhancements and equipped first responders; and protecting the environment by Ensuring Clean Air & Water through enforcement of environmental regulations and infrastructure investments.
Children’s Healthy Development & Learning
- Quality, affordable early learning and out of school time programs
- Effective transitions: Early Intervention, special education, young adult programs
- Supporting maternal health, mental health, and family support programs
Economic Development & Small Business Growth
- Growing our skilled workforce
- Transforming technology innovations into local jobs
- Financial & technical assistance for start ups and growth
Public Safety
- Traffic & road safety improvements
- Equipping first responders
Ensuring Clean Air & Water
- Enforcing penalties on polluters
- Addressing Stormwater & Sewage Infrastructure Costs
- Protecting Trees and Greenspace