Meet Lissa

Lissa is a strong advocate for children and families through her work as a public school teacher, a state house staffer, a nonprofit leader, and a private consultant. Lissa has championed the need for quality, affordable pre-k and childcare, and adequately and fairly funded public schools.

On County Council, Lissa will ensure that impactful County programs expand and policies that work against our families are discontinued or remedied. Lissa will defend the civil and constitutional rights of all people regardless of what they look like, where they come from, or who they love. Lissa will connect local leaders working on policy issues including economic development for the Pittsburgh region, stormwater, transit, civil rights, emergency services, parks, and air quality.

Lissa is a Hampton Rotarian, a board member of HAEE (the foundation supporting Hampton public schools), a PTO board member, and a Democratic state committee member.